football.I really like Chelsea FC in EPL because I love the they counter attack.
Even they don't have many star player right there they still had
big fan's like me.

For this semester I’m taking seven subject including my English for Academic Purpose Bel 311 that have 2 credit hours is teaching by Sir. Mohd Izuan B. Ismail. My description for Sir. Izuan is he is a very strict person and he don’t like his student to come late to the class he like the student to be punctual and do not come late to the class. From his class also I with the first time ever sing up a blog because before this I never wonder that one days I will have my own blog just see my friend blogging on the internet. I think in BEL 311 I can approve my writing skill in English and I very like this subject. My expectation for this subject is I will try to my best to get an A.
Next, my second subject is CTU 264 or the full name of this subject is Islamic Information Management that thought by Ustaz Saidin B. Zakaria. His class only once a week that in Thursday because the credit hour for this subject is only 2. What is ihave learn during this three weeks in class is related to my course because we gone learn on how the Al-Quran and Hadith being collect from the Nabi Muhammad generation. I like this subject because the lecturer always make a joke in the class. My expectation for this subject is I will try to maintain an A in this subject.
Thirdly, my subject is IMD 201 or the full name is Access To Information that have 3 hours credit. This subject is teaching by En. Muhamad Ismail B. Pahmi my Resident Staff for Taming Sari Block. For the last semester in part two he was teaching IMD 153 so I have known him very well. In this subject we were teach about the library and the act. It is mostly like studying History in school. Every starting of the class he will make a pop quiz to remind the student what do we learn last week. I’ expect that I will struggle for this subject because this subject is kind of bored to.
Fourthly, my subject for this semester is IMD 202 or it’s full name is Promotion in information products and services. My lecturer for this subject is Puan Nor Rashidah Binti Mohamed she is a very busy person with she class. In this subject we are going to learn on how to promote the information product like books, library, magazine and etc. This a reading subject so for myself I need to study hard to score in final exam.
Another my subject for this semester is IMD 203 or the full name is Support services and maintenance. In this subject we will learn how to fix the CPU and what is the use of CPU. Actually this subject is continues to the subject that we learn in Part 1. Our lecturer name is Cik Siti Nuur-ila Binti Mat Kamal. I like this subject but the class is three our that’s make me feel sleepy in the class but our lecturer allow us to bring some sweet to prevent us from sleep in the class.
For the second last of my subject is IMD 255 and the full name is Technical support and services in information agencies. Our lecturer name is Puan Nor Diana Binti Abdul Rahman, in the class she like to give a pop quiz to make the student pay attention in the class. In this class we will learn about the technical support in the library. I think this subject is very important to make sure that the library work properly.
My last subject for this semester is co-curricular from Part 1 until Part 3 I take the BPC or the full name is Badan Pertolongan Cemas. For this semester we will learn about nursing in the hospital on how to treat the patient.
Lastly I hope that I will get a good result for this semester and Insyaallah I will try my best.