Islamic Widget

Saturday, October 02, 2010

10 Facts About Myself

1. My nickname
My name is Muhammad Faizzul but people call me Perot. When I tell my friend my true name they say why they call me Perot because I have beautiful name, I just said it’s up to you want to call me Faizzul or perot as long as you can remember my real name. Even my lecturer also call me Perot.

2. My special pillow

I have special pillow that I really love since I was a baby. That pillow make from mists. I really like the smell of that pillow. Maybe people will say that is not matured for guys that age like me but who cares. Every night I will sleep with my special pillow.

3. I hate crowded place

Why? Because I have a huge body so I don’t think that I can breath in the crowded place and it’s hard to walk through there.

4. I really love football

I'm a football lover.
Even I cannot play well but I'm still follow the football news whether local football or international
football.I really like Chelsea FC in EPL because I love the they counter atta
Even they don't have many star player right there they still had
big fan's like me

5. Never thinking before say

That is my character. Sometimes after I say it I realize that maybe I have hurt somebody heart. That’s why my mom’s always say
to me always be careful in my word.

6. Love to collect sneakers

I really love Adidas brand but I had Puma sneaker too and also Nike brand. The most I love is my Puma sneakers because it is very expensive to me and I like the colours.

7. Not fussy

I’m not that kind of person such as when eating I just eat what have in front of me as long as my stomach have enough space and as long as the food is clean and ‘halal

8. Love to sleep

I’ll sleep when I had nothing to do and when I feel bored of something. I’ll sleep anywhere if I feel sleepy such as my friend room.

9. I have asthma

I used the inhaler to make me breath better if I attacked by it. But, now days I can live without inhaler because doctor say that I have many improvements since I goes to the specialist in HKL.

10. My next gadget maybe

I love to take picture but I just used my phone camera. My target is to buy the DSLR camera with my own money and learn how to take picture professionally.

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