Islamic Widget

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

paham-paham sendiri lah ye


Tersebutlah alkisah sebuah keluarga aman bahagia yang dianggotai sepasang suami isteri bersama tiga orang anak dara mereka. Nak dijadikan cerita, ketiga-tiga anak dara tersebut melangsungkan perkahwinan mereka secara serentak.......

Maka sedih bercampur gumbira menyelubungi hati dan perasaan kedua ibu bapa mereka apabila majlis perkahwinan tersebut selamat dilangsungkan....

Apabila ketiga-tiga pasangan bersiap sedia untuk pergi berbulan madu ke tempat haluan masing-masing, kedua ibu bapa mereka pun dengan tegas berpesan supaya mereka tidak lupa untuk mengirimkan berita sepanjang pemergian mereka walau dengan sepatah dua kata. Supaya tidak membebankan setiap pasangan, ibu bapa mereka mencadangkan agar mereka hanya menulis tajuk iklan yang dapat menggambarkan maksud yang ingin disampaikan. Lalu mereka semua pun bersetuju degan cadangan tersebut...........

Seminggu selepas mereka semua pergi ke arah tujuan masing-masing, si ibu menerima sepucuk surat dari anak mereka yang pertama, suratnya amat ringkas, hanya perkataan "Nescafe" yang tertera. Si ibu yang cuba menyelami maksud yang ingin disampaikan, tanpa berlengah menyemak iklan "Nescafe" di akhbar yang berbunyi "Nikmatnya tak terhingga", maka fahamlah si ibu akan maksud yang ingin disampaikan.....

Selang seminggu selepas itu, mereka menerima sepucuk surat dari anak mereka yang kedua pula, suratnya juga pendek, hanya berbunyi " Standard Chartered Bank". Apabila disiasat dengan lebih lanjut, iklan Standard Chartered Bank rupanya bermaksud " Besar, Teguh dan Peramah", maka tersenyumlah kedua orang tua tersebut....

Seperti lazimnya mereka pun tertunggu-tunggu akan berita dari anak ketiga mereka, namun minggu demi minggu tidak juga mereka menerima sebarang khabar berita. Mulanya mereka agak risau namun setelah hampir dua bulan berlalu, mereka akhirnya menerima sepucuk surat yang amat dinananti-nantikan, suratnya juga amat ringkas, hanya tertulis perkataan "MAS". Mulanya mereka agak hairan kenapalah anak mereka mangambil masa yang lama sangat untuk menulis perkataan "MAS" namun setelah membaca iklan MAS di surat khabar, mereka pun tersenyum. Di surat khabar, iklan MAS berbunyi," Tiga kali sehari, tujuh hari seminggu..."


Monday, May 02, 2011

Thanx a lot kalou!!!

Yeahhh!!!! Chelsea menang la weih...walaupun tgk kat live score je semangat tetap semangat...bkn senang weh nak menang dgn totentham...walaupun torres tak score tak apo asalkan monang...hahahaha...kpd rakan sebilik iaitu penyokong setia nombor 1 totentham di harap bersabor lah yo...gol kontorversi ko apo ko den peduli plak kan...yang ponting Chelsea monang...thanxs jgak kopado arsenal kerana telah memembantai M.U 1-0...PEREBUTAN takhta EPL still open lagi la maknenye...walaupun M.U still kat atas... kpd fans M.U watch out ok mggu depan kite jumpe lgi...mgkin torres akan hatrik kali nie...hahahaha

bye2 nanad

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Rasa macam da lama sangat tak update blog nie...dulu buat punyalah semangat..tu pun sebab CSI suruh kalau tak, tak de nye nak blog2 salam je lah. Anyway, da abis da pun part 4 dah nak masok sem baru plak nnt...pape pun banyak la kenangan time part 4 nie...dgn budak2 kelas sye yg dah bersatu kembali...alhamdulilah. Sorry ye kpd kwn2 kelas krn sye tidak mengupdate blog sye sndri hahahaha...kemalasan melanda diri...

Bile da abis exam ingat nak lepak la kejap kat segamat dalam sehari tapi apa kan daya ayah dtg menjemput ku pada ari sabtu...baru ingat nak lepak jap kan...tapi x pe lah ayah da dtg amik pun da bersyukur sgt kan. Pejam mate bukak mate dah 20 tahun da aku akhirnya...rase macam sekejap sgt tapi umur da msok puluh2 dah..x do bolas2 lagi da tau. Teraso tuo la pulok den nie..hahahaha...tapi muke den still macam bdak form 4 gitu bkn mcm bdak part 4 uitm tau...hahahaha. Bia umor tuo tapi jiwo den totap mudo.

Kepada rakan2 ku di uitm mabat,naqib, dan pado mekasih bnyak2 toman study same2...harap2 kte dpt result baguih2 la nnt..insyaallah. Tak dilupo pado rakan2 kelas yg lain gak...happy2 lah yo molepak kek umah nnt. Mabat,pado,naqib...make sure projek jln2 kito sem dopan jadi tau...jgn x jadi pulo...jgn nak cito malalot plaK...HAHAHA. Citer gempak kan malam tue...bkn main lagi.

Dapat update 1 post pun den dah raso banggo dah la...hahahaha.

Paling mekasih lagi den ucapkan kek kokasih awal dan akhir den insyaallah..nadia namo ea...mekasih la bnyak2 belanjo den mkn kek secret resipi ari tue...kopak la duit awak...hehehe. Mekasih jugak bg hadiah tali leher kat sye...cantik tau...merah lagi tue..hahaha.Awak, jago la barang2 yg sye bg kat awak elok2 ea...pelok lah kuning elok2 bilo awk rindu kat sye...kuning tu pun mcm sye jgak la cumo die x do nyawo je. Awak, dok umah hati2 tau, ingat sumo posan den....jgn nakal2 tau...lopeh nie tak tau lagi bilo bole jumpe awk...insyaallah ado rezeki nnt kite jumpe ye my girl...jage diri elok2 tau. Lepas nie gemok la awk mcm sye dok umah makan je...hahaha. Biar awk gemok mcm sye...hahahaha. Awak, tggu sye tau...saye x buleh janji tapi insyaallah sye akan cuba laksanakan asal awk tggu sye...bak kate awk ari tue dlm tepon awk ckp mimpi kite bertemu kat masjid pas tue kat situ ade tok kadi....bkan tok mudim tau...hahahaha. Insyaallah wak.

Sekian lah sajo update den kali nie...kito bertemu di update seterusnya lah yok!!!!


Saturday, October 02, 2010

10 Facts About Myself

1. My nickname
My name is Muhammad Faizzul but people call me Perot. When I tell my friend my true name they say why they call me Perot because I have beautiful name, I just said it’s up to you want to call me Faizzul or perot as long as you can remember my real name. Even my lecturer also call me Perot.

2. My special pillow

I have special pillow that I really love since I was a baby. That pillow make from mists. I really like the smell of that pillow. Maybe people will say that is not matured for guys that age like me but who cares. Every night I will sleep with my special pillow.

3. I hate crowded place

Why? Because I have a huge body so I don’t think that I can breath in the crowded place and it’s hard to walk through there.

4. I really love football

I'm a football lover.
Even I cannot play well but I'm still follow the football news whether local football or international
football.I really like Chelsea FC in EPL because I love the they counter atta
Even they don't have many star player right there they still had
big fan's like me

5. Never thinking before say

That is my character. Sometimes after I say it I realize that maybe I have hurt somebody heart. That’s why my mom’s always say
to me always be careful in my word.

6. Love to collect sneakers

I really love Adidas brand but I had Puma sneaker too and also Nike brand. The most I love is my Puma sneakers because it is very expensive to me and I like the colours.

7. Not fussy

I’m not that kind of person such as when eating I just eat what have in front of me as long as my stomach have enough space and as long as the food is clean and ‘halal

8. Love to sleep

I’ll sleep when I had nothing to do and when I feel bored of something. I’ll sleep anywhere if I feel sleepy such as my friend room.

9. I have asthma

I used the inhaler to make me breath better if I attacked by it. But, now days I can live without inhaler because doctor say that I have many improvements since I goes to the specialist in HKL.

10. My next gadget maybe

I love to take picture but I just used my phone camera. My target is to buy the DSLR camera with my own money and learn how to take picture professionally.

My Lovely Classmate I Ever Had

My new post is about my classmates ISD3E1. I really love my classmates because we have been together since part 1 and until now we still together. Although what ever happened we still close together . In my class we got 30 person in ISD3E1 and all of them have different kind of personality and behaviour.

Firstly Hazriq @ bub, he like our leader in the class because he looks more matured compare to others. He likes to give big cute smile when taking a picture. But, he don’t give me too Bluetooth my picture in his phone.

Second is my best friend since part 1. His name is Ersyazuddin or I call him mabat. He is my ex class rap in part 1. He is very nice person for me. I always go outing with him although he drives a car like crazy. Mabat is Vice president for our faculty society.

Third is Zulkarnain he is a quite person in the class but if get to know him closely you will know that he is like to make joke and have a crazy brain in his head. He used to wait me in the morning for us go to the class together although sometimes I wake up late he will wait for me.

Next is Qayyum the Italians boys in my class. He has a mix blood from his father and mother. I can say that he his a hot person in my class because his face not like a Malay. I call him Musingh his nickname in college.

Naqib is nice person for me. He likes to do crazy things that we never expect he will do it. He also a big liar. He like to play football but now he suffered from his knee injury after playing football represent our college in SUKOL last semester.

Our last standing man is Arif or tutu. He is our class rap for last semester. He like to singing although we don’t like to hear his voice. He also sometimes quite pending persons but he is a nice person.

Anisahwati Binti Aminuddin. Ponti is her nickname. She is our class Representative for this semester. She is very caring person and like to tease me in the class with her joke and then she will laugh.

Nor Asma Binti Azan. I called her by the name Acu. She is UiTM Johor brass band members and playing trumpet. She will look cute when she wear a brass band uniform.

Nor Hafiza Binti Samsudin. People called her Fieyza. She has a small body but she is a cute person. She like to make a joke with her friends. She will become our tourist guide if we go to Melaka together because she live in Melaka.

Nabihah Binti Zakaria or I call her biha. She is very nice person and I like to tease her muallaf because she will look like a Chinese when she wear a tudung. She represent UiTM Johor in debate.

Ain Diyana is our tallest ladies in my class. She like to thing by her own without help from anybody. She is nice person although she quite gross to us in the class. But what thing she do she will finish it.

Nurhazwani or wawa. She is small person in my class and has cute face like children. I ask her to eat a lot so that she will be big like me because she is too small and thin.

Norshafiqah or my friend call her Iqa. She is very sensitive persons and easy to cry I think. She is the winner for the recite poet in UiTM Johor for the independent month.

Noor Amira or I just call her Mira. She is very kind to me because every time I had a problem with my assignments I’ll just call her and ask her. She is cute person same like Wawa and they are close together.

Nik Syaza Syafinaz or I called her Finaz. She nice person and make everyone comfortable with her. She always give guidance and advise to finish my assignment. I also learn doing blog from her.

Siti Noor Aishah or we call her Siti in class. I can see her matured because the way she dress-up almost like matured woman.

Siti Solehah or my friend call her Sokso but I call her Leha. I just love to call her that name because it sound like village name. He like to take our class picture.

Zaharah is a Herbalife user. Before she use the product, her body was same like me too but after she used that product we can see that the different from part 1 till now. She is now more thin than before.

Diyana Izni or we call her Beyonce in class. I really respect her English. Although I and her are not close but we can still talk each other and laughing together if we talk in the class.

Nurul Iza or we call her Iza. I and Hulk like to tease her like hide her phone and take our picture using her phone and make it wallpaper in her phone. I also like to call her ‘Iza Stylo’.

Ku Norazila or we call her Kuchek because his Facebook account name Kuchek Embun. I just don’t why. She have white skins like Europe girl and browns eyes. She had chubby cheek and if she feel cold or hot her cheek will become red colour.

Nur Amirah is close to Kuchek since part 1. They all are close each other and goes to the class together because they live in the same college. I called her Mia or sometimes I call her Maggie because she has a new hair cut like instant noodle and I often to play her hair if I sit behind her with my pen and then she will angry to me.

Nur Shahiera Nabila or we call he in the class Shiera. I don’t really close to her but what can I describe about is she a nice person and but she is quite serious person I think.

Fashiehah or we call her Che Ah. She like to hang out with their friend like goes to Melaka and like to pinch my hand because she said he like a man that cute like me.

Nuswatun or we like to call her ‘Cikgu besar’. She is the only one who live in Sector B because almost all girl in my class stay in Sector C. She is JPK or Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Kolej in Sector B. She want to be the next President of Sector B JPK one day.

Nadirah is a quite person in the class. It’s very hard to see her laugh in the class because what ever funny things happens in the class she will just smile.

Siti Nuraishah or I call her Kedah. Her eyes will lump sometimes in the morning class because she don’t had enough sleep at night because she has white skins same like Kuchek. She sell tudung and prepaid in her college. Everyone who run out of credit you can find her.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Memories of Ramadhan

There is not much memories of Ramadhan that I still remember but the best thing is when I feel the my first Ramadhan far away from my family for the first semester in UiTM. It feel so bad because when the breakfast come I will call my mother and ask my mom what she eat and if she fine or not. It feels quite different when you eat your mom cook and the stall cook. I still remember me and my siblings help our father to make a pelita using a recycle bottle and bamboo. Help my mother make a kuih raya till sahor time and give to our neighbour’s.

But I can make it like always because I have my friend and we eat together in room with a lot of food till we cannot eat anymore and we eat the food at sahor. It’s quite thought to wake up when sahor because we have class at 8.00 a.m so we make decision to take sahor earlier around 12.00 o’clock then we sleep. If I wake up we will just drinks some of water and eat some bread or junk food.

The post that I write is about my roommate that have been given by my Bel 311 lecturer. I live at TS 151 with my three roommate. My first roommate is Muhammad Afiq Subhan b. Halim that taking Diploma in Investment Analysis (DIIA) he come from Kuala Lumpur. I know him when I was in Part one but we are not closed because my room and his room is far away. He is 19 year old and have many girlfriend but he is single. He is a JPK he position is Exco Sukan dan Rekreasi. Every evening he like to play football with his friend. His nickname is ‘apek’ although he never seem like Chinese.

Next is my second roommate his name is Saiful Lizan b. Abd. Mutalib that come from Jementah. His taking Pre Commerce he like to eat seed when he feel bored in the room. He like to treat us burger. His nickname is ‘cabai’ that I give to him but in room we call him ‘jermen’ because he come from Jementah very near to campus. Every week he will go back home to see his family and his future wife. He always ask me a stupid question till I cannot answer the question. His father open the mini market at Jementah and his mother is housewife.

My third roommate is Mohammad Hafiz b. Nordin that come from Parit Raja, Batu Pahat. Also taking Pre Commerce his nickname is ‘batu’. He like to play guitar and we sing along with him. He is very afraid person when he stay alone in room and when he want go to toilet he will ask whether I want to follow or not if not he will ask someone in the room that want to go with him. His voice is very nice like Jamal Abdilah when he singing. Every night he will do a super saver to call his future wife that study at Kolej Matrikulasi Kuala Pilah. His father open a food stall that sell ‘putu bambu’ at Batu Pahat.